1 Hour Session
1 hr1 h
135 US dollars
North Street
Service Description
The theme of the session is up to you. We can do a card reading/psychic reading about your life here and everyone around you, a mediumship reading where I connect with spirit loved ones to bring you messages, or a combination.
Prepare for a psychic reading by jotting down questions to use as a reference during the session.
Prepare for a mediumship reading by requesting a spirit or spirits to come in during our session. Once you book a date and time, let spirit know before bed at night that you want them to join us. Also, bringing an item that the spirit touched or gifted you sometimes helps pull the energy.
No medium can guarantee who will step into the reading.
Cancellation Policy
When an appointment must be cancelled, a refund will be given less a $10 processing fee. Processing fee only applies if you pre-paid. I will be in touch to discuss the refund method you prefer. If it is cancelled and rescheduled within a week, the price stays the same and no penalties. *Rules are subject to change.